Abdirshin, Timur Student at: College of Engineering Classification and Major Sophomore: Aerospace and Aeronautical Eng Email tabdirshin@miners.utep.edu
Abdmahdi, Abdullah A Student at: College of Engineering Classification and Major Sophomore: Computer Science Email aaabdmahdi@miners.utep.edu
Abdo, Layla A Student at: College of Liberal Arts Classification and Major Junior: History Email laabdo@miners.utep.edu
Abdollahi Zarandi, Narsis Student at: Woody L. Hunt College of Business Classification and Major Freshman: Management - Lower Division Email nabdollahizar@miners.utep.edu
Abdollahy Zarandi, Abdolhossein Title: Assoc Professor of Instruction Employee at: PSYCHOLOGY Emailaabdollahyzarandi@utep.edu
Abdou, Ahmed Student at: Engineer.Sci/Interdisciplinary Classification and Major Doctoral: Environmental Sci. & Engr./PhD Email aabdou2@miners.utep.edu
Abdullaeva, Oyimchakhon Student at: College of Liberal Arts Classification and Major Graduate: Public Administration/MPA Email oabdullaeva@miners.utep.edu
Abdullahi, Abdulsalam Student at: Engineer.Sci/Interdisciplinary Classification and Major Doctoral: Environmental Sci. & Engr./PhD Email aabdullahi@miners.utep.edu
Abed, Methaq S Title: Professor of Practice Employee at: MECHANICAL ENG Telephone9157476435 Emailmsabed@utep.edu