Abasta, Lia I Student at: College of Education Classification and Major Senior: Education Email liabasta@miners.utep.edu
Abbud Tapia, Nahid J Student at: College of Engineering Classification and Major Freshman: Lower Division Civil Engr Email njabbudtapia@miners.utep.edu
Abbud, Ashira H Student at: College of Engineering Classification and Major Freshman: Lower Division Civil Engr Email ahabbud@miners.utep.edu
Abbud, Camila Student at: College of Health Sciences Classification and Major Sophomore: Public Health Email cabbud1@miners.utep.edu
Abbud, Celina Student at: College of Business Admin. Classification and Major Freshman: CBBA Email cabbud2@miners.utep.edu
Abbud, Dariela E Student at: College of Science Classification and Major Freshman: Biomedical Sciences Email deabbud@miners.utep.edu
Abbud, E'Mani M Student at: College of Liberal Arts Classification and Major Junior: Psychology Email emabbud@miners.utep.edu
Abbud, Emilia E Student at: College of Business Admin. Classification and Major Sophomore: CBBA Email eeabbud@miners.utep.edu
Abbud, Emilio E Student at: College of Liberal Arts Classification and Major Freshman: Start Program Email eeabbud2@miners.utep.edu