Abasta, Lia I Student at: College of Education Classification and Major Senior: Education Email liabasta@miners.utep.edu
Abbud, Celina Student at: Woody L. Hunt College of Business Classification and Major Freshman: CBBA Email cabbud2@miners.utep.edu
Abbud, E'Mani M Student at: College of Liberal Arts Classification and Major Senior: Psychology Email emabbud@miners.utep.edu
Abbud, Emilia E Student at: Woody L. Hunt College of Business Classification and Major Sophomore: CBBA Email eeabbud@miners.utep.edu
Abbud, Emilio E Student at: College of Liberal Arts Classification and Major Freshman: General Studies Email eeabbud2@miners.utep.edu
Abbud, Zayda Student at: College of Liberal Arts Classification and Major Senior: Criminal Justice Email zabbud@miners.utep.edu
Abdallah, Imad (CTIS) Title: Associate Professor Employee at: CIVIL ENGINEERING Telephone9157478907 Emailemadn@utep.edu
Abdelhakiem Mahmoud, Alaa K Title: Clinical Asst Prof Employee at: PHAR PRAC & CLIN SCI Emailakabdelhakie@utep.edu
Abdeljaber, Moayad M Student at: Woody L. Hunt College of Business Classification and Major Sophomore: Finance - Lower Division Email mmabdeljaber2@miners.utep.edu