REVISED 06/17/20

Customer Service at The University of Texas at El Paso A COMPACT WITH TEXANS

Mission Statement: The Mission of the University of Texas at El Paso:

  • Prepare students to meet lifelong challenges and become leaders as a result of effective teaching, learning activities, and student services;
  • Support faculty in their generation and dissemination of knowledge through research, scholarship, and artistic production;
  • Share University expertise through public service of faculty, students, and staff to improve the quality of life in our region and the world; and
  • Provide efficient, effective administrative and staff support to achieve the University's goals.

Customer Service Principle: The UTEP Community -- Where Student Learning Comes First

Customer Service Goal: Support excellent academic instruction and student learning through effective services to UTEP students.

Customer Service Objectives

  • In the classroom, on campus, and in the community, as UTEP representatives, we will:
    • Interact with others respectfully and courteously.
    • Listen carefully in an effort to understand others' points of view.
    • Be knowledgeable problem solvers.
    • Take responsibility for UTEP's continuous improvement.

Customer Service Standard: We are committed to treating each other and all visitors as we would like to be treated. Every part of the UTEP community plays a role in achieving the University's mission. Each individual and office contributes to the achievement of our common goals and the creation of a positive campus climate by being responsive, efficient, and effective.

Customer Relations Representative: Gary Edens, Ed.D. Vice President for Student Affairs Union Building East, Suite 301 (915) 747-5076 (915) 747-5476 Fax

Information for Students:

UTEP Catalogs: UTEP has gone green, all catalogs and class schedules are available on-line:

The University's Homepage: Academic Programs, Student Life, Catalog, Class Schedule, Directory and other important and useful information:

UTEP Miner Student Guide: A reference to campus offices, services, activities, and student rights and responsibilities-- available at the Student Engagement & Leadership Center (Union Building West, Room 106)

Student Engagement & Leadership Center: Union Building West, Room 102 (747-5648)

Office of the Dean of Students: Union Building West, Room 102 (747-5648)

Financial Aid Office: Mike Loya Academic Services Building, Room 204 (747-5204)

Undergraduate Academic Advising Center:  Mike Loya Academic Advising Center Building General information (747-5290) TASP advising (747-6532) Transfer advising (747-6584) email:

Graduate Student Services: Mike Loya Academic Services Building, Room 223 (747-5491)

Helpdesk: Provides assistance with campus telephone and information technology systems (747-4357) or email

Library: Wiggins Road (747-5671-informational recording; 747-5683 front desk)

Parking & Traffic Regulations: Available at the Parking & Transportation Services Office, Mike Loya Academic Services Building, Room 122 (747-5724) or at the University Police Department, 3118 Sun Bowl Drive (747-5611)

Response to an Expressed Concern or Complaint

  • A person who expresses a concern or complaint to UTEP should expect to be treated within the framework of the University's Customer Service objectives and standards as stated in this document.
  • The expressed concern or complaint will be acknowledged as soon as possible, but no later than 10 (ten) working days of receipt; except where legal requirements or institutional policies specify a different timeline.
  • The response will provide information about the next steps to be taken based on: The Rules and Regulations of The University of Texas Board of Regents; the UTEP Handbook of Operating Procedures; and the version of the UTEP catalog which applies to the individual student.

How and Where to Express a Concern or File a Complaint: You should first attempt to resolve the concern or complaint in the office or department where the issue arises. If this does not succeed, ask for a supervisor or the person in charge of that office. If the concern or complaint is still not addressed, contact the individuals listed below or other staff in the following UTEP offices for assistance.

  • General Problems - Dean of Students: Provides information about procedures on how to express a concern or file a complaint Union Building West, Room 102 (747-5648) Catherine McCorry-Andalis, Associate Vice President for Student Engagement & Dean of Students,
  • Enrollment Services (Recruitment, Admissions, Orientation, Registrar): Mike Loya Academic Services Building, Room 101
  • Charges and Payments (Office of Student Business Services): Mike Loya Academic Services Building (747-5116) Juan Gonzalez, Director of Student Business Services,
  • Financial Aid: Mike Loya Academic Services Building, Room 204 (747-5204)
  • Unresolved Student Affairs Issues: Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs: Union Building East, Suite 301 (747-5076) Dr. Gary Edens, Vice President for Student Affairs,
  • Academic Issues: Begin first with the faculty member(s), teaching assistant(s), or staff member(s). If there is no resolution, contact the department chair or program director, then the college dean, and then the Office of the Provost (see below).
  • Unresolved Academic Affairs Issues: Office of the Provost: Administration Building, Suite 310 (747-5725),
  • Financial or Administrative Issues: Office of the Vice President for Business Affairs, Administration Building, Suite 301 (747-5113) Mark McGurk, Vice President for Business Affairs, Charlie Martinez, Associate Vice President for Business Affairs/Comptroller,
  • Library Services or Resources: Library Administration, Room 316 (747-5683) Robert L. Stakes, Associate Vice President,
  • Security (Police Department): 3118 Sun Bowl Drive (747-6641) Raymundo Rodriguez, University Police Department,
  • State and Federal Requirements: Topics such as employee concerns, Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action information, safety and occupational health issues, ethics, suspected fraud, or business misconduct. Sandra Vasquez, Assistant Vice President (747-5662) Compliance Hotline (an automated answering service to serve as an additional and/or alternative communication channel though which ethical and compliance regulation issues can be raised): 1-888-228-7713
  • Student Government Association: Union Building East, Room 304 (747-5584)
  • Tell Pete: Submit your question or concern Via the UTEP website;